NovaCity, the city of tomorrow, in l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui

« Mixte Cité / Multi-purpose city », een inspirerend artikel geschreven door Marine de la Guerrande over ons NovaCity-project in L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, waaraan Nathalie, de architect die verantwoordelijk is voor het project bij DDS +, heeft deelgenomen.

« NovaCity demonstrates the challenges of productive cities and short distances {...}. Benjamin Cadranel, CEO of Citydev, underscores the work conducted in two phases, the vertical mix and ''the leading component with company housing units for the compagnies on the site and their staff with a view to strengthening the ties between those who live and work in the district''.»

L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Hors-série BMA 'Capital Brussels'.