​ Call for BRIC2/ BRIC3: Pilot project in circular economy

B.R.I.C. (Building Reversible in Conception) is an educational tool and showcase, developed within the EU funded BAMB (Buildings as Material Banks) project, to enable a systemic shift in the building sector by creating circular solutions.

 The sustainable and reversible teaching module will be built, dismantled, reconstructed and transformed three times at EFP in Brussels, providing training to future contractors of 12 professions of the construction sector while involving local actors, in investigating and demonstrating the effectiveness and possibilities of circular and dynamic building design.

 DDS+ took part to the call for the BRIC2 and BRIC3 transformations; we consider our second place as a good step in the right direction, as well as a clear declaration of intents.

Good work to EFP and the winner Karbon’; we will keep following BRIC’s progresses!