Collected Impressions

Take a walk along our architectural sequences, pathways and landscapes.
Have a conversation with the built, the unbuilt and the in-progress.
Let your imagination flow between shapes, lines and colours.

Join us in this playful exploration that ignites imagination and stimulates the senses. Dive into Collected Impressions and experience the poetry captured by the photographers Marie-Noëlle Dailly, Serge Brison, Nathalie Van Eygen, Benjamin Wells, Georges De Kinder, Filip Dujardin, Laurian Ghinitoiu, Marc Detiffe & Lydie Nesvadba.

This curated image collection offers a fresh perspective on our projects, inviting curiosity and a contemplative journey through our architectural works.

Each photograph captures the essence of our design philosophy: present yet humble, remarkable yet discreet, integrating seamlessly into the landscape, standing out without overwhelming, and is designed to endure across generations.