An outstanding win. A remarkable project. An exceptional team.
Guess who won the MIPIM Awards twice this year? That’s right, the Royale Belge did! An outstanding win for a remarkable project and an exceptional team.
Winning in both Best Conversion and Best Mixed-Use categories, these awards celebrate the rebirth of an architectural landmark and honour the creativity, dedication and commitment of every team member that made this ambitious renovation a success.
Turning the iconic building into a vibrant multi-use space, the Royale Belge stands as an example of innovative conversion, where heritage meets modern functionality. Today, while we stand at a pivotal time in our industry, we’re proud to be actively participating in the urban regeneration of the city of Brussels through the rehabilitation of its built heritage.
This achievement would not have been possible without the hard work and passion of all architectural teams from Caruso St John Architects Llp, Bovenbouw Architectuur, DDS+ and Francis Metzger, our partners EOLE Atelier d'Architecture des JARDINS et du PAYSAGE, SuReal, MACOBO-STABO, CIT Blaton and the unwavering support from our clients CORES Development, Urbicoon, APE and FORESITE.
We are deeply grateful for your trust and collaboration throughout this journey. This win is a testament to what we can achieve together.
A huge thank you to all those who voted for Royale Belge and cheers to more collaborations and successful projects to come!
Discover more about Royale Belge.