Architect & Urban Planner Co‑founding partner

Since she was studying architecture at La Cambre and urban planning at the UCL, Dominique has been asking questions about the future of the city, as well as the importance of the role of public open spaces and landscape in residents’ quality of life. It is her passion for architecture and urban planning on a daily basis, the interfaces with stakeholders, the pride in her achievements and the tremendous enjoyment of working in a team which generate her energy and enthusiasm. Her openness and interest in continuing training create a climate propitious for listening and dialogue, which she likes so much at DDS+. She contributes actively to new thinking about architectural design in all projects, bringing creativity to bear and expressing everyone’s ideas through a culture that encourages initiative. Teamwork harnessing complementary skills, sharing experience and involving everyone represents real added value in every project and opens the door to the aspirations of younger generations. Anticipating new trends, giving life to varied creations which take account of their surroundings and the issues of the future continue to inspire her to share that ambition within DDS+ and with all her external partners.