Midi de l'archi : DDS + BIM

Our bimonthly 'midi de l'archi' meeting constitutes the excellent occasion where all DDS+ team members gather together around a specialising issue touching the architect's job today.

Today's 'Midi de l'archi', led by our internal specialized BIM team, treated the more general theme of the undeniable importance of the ongoing BIM evolution in the world of construction and gave each DDS+ team member the opportunity to learn, reflect and discuss about the integration and implementation of BIM procedures in DDS+'s daily working practice.

The general feeling after this vibrant and interesting meeting ? Today's results and BIM working experience make us state that we we have gained a good BIM level. Our BIM team, from project leaders to traineesworking on different stades and levels of the construction process, developed all necessary procedures, sustainably integrated them into our design methods, and provides daily training and support in order to keep all architects informed and familiar with the latest technics end developments.

The Sauvenière and Novacity projects, fully developed via BIM, steadily become just first examples of a more integrated yet evolving way of working in BIM, in line with the importance we attribute to co-construction.