François Couvreur talks at 'Building (with) Biodiversity' conference (05.03.21)

We are glad to be invited, as a member of Architects in Brussels (AriB), to take part in the webinar 'Building (with) Biodiversity', organized by bruxelles.environnement on 5 March 2021 from 9:30 to 12:30.

By means of two case studies, Compas and Melkerij (De Melkerij and Melkerij 1) in Anderlecht, François Couvreur will explain how DDS+ integrates biodiversity into the entire design process, through co-construction with a large panel of specialized interveners and an integrated sustainable approach on buildings, (public) outdoor space and the wider urban context.

Click here for more info and inscription.

La Laiterie, Anderlecht
La Laiterie, Anderlecht
Compas, Anderlecht
Compas, Anderlecht